- Personal
- Long Credit Card
- Installment Service
- Application
- Activate Your Card
- Product Overview
- Long Card Services
- Long Card All-in-One
- About Long Card Network
- Wealth Management Cards
- Personal Loans
- Personal Business Loan
- Personal Car Loan
- Personal Housing Loan
- Gold Business
Physical Gold for Persona-
l Investment - Personal Gold Account
- Foreign Exchange
Individual Exchange Settl-
ement and Sales -
Individual Foreign Exchan-
ge Remittance - Personal Foreign Exchange Options
- Personal Foreign Exchange Structured Deposits
- Personal Foreign Exchange Trading
Foreign Currency Conversi-
on -
Personal Purchase of Fore-
ign Exchange -
Permit to Carry Foreign C-
urrency Abroad -
Foreign Currencies Travel-
ler's Cheque
- Service for Your Co-
nvenience -
Different-Location Collec-
tion - Paying Salaries on Behalf of Organizations
- Third-party Payment
- Safes
- Insurance Agent
- Swift Remit
- Service for Your Co-
- Personal Wealth Man-
agement Products - Profit from Interest
- Personal Wealth Man-
- Corporate
- Corporate E-Banking
- Deposits
- Institutional Business
- Credit Business
- International Business
- Fund Settlement
- Intermediary Business
- Fund Custody
Installment Service
Mail-order installment payment:
Customers can submit the Installment Purchase Order to CCB via fax, mail or Internet, applying for payment with your debit card. Upon approval by the bank, CCB will inform the merchant to deliver the merchandise and charge the purchase to your account at once. Then client makes payment for the merchandise on a monthly basis. Currently, goods available for mail order purchase on installment mainly include digital products such as laptop, cell phone or MP3. At the same time CCB has also added home theater, LCD TV, navigator for car or fashionable home appliances to the choices of customers.
Merchandise available for installment purchase